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Sarve bhavantu sukhina, Sarve santu niramaya, Sarve bhadrani pashayantu, Maa kashchid-dukhabhavbhaveta!
May all be happy. May all healthy and free from disease. May all enjoy prosperity. May none suffer

505 W 1st Street, Tustin, CA 92780        714.617.4593      [email protected]

Panchakarma Treatments

What Is Panchakarma?
PanchaKarma is a deeply relaxing way to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, release the negative effects of stress and provides rejuvenation to body, mind, and spirit. Your PanchaKarma cleanse is tailored specifically for you depending on your time and need for specific treatments. All herbal formulas, bastis, teas and foods are also specifically designed in this treatment.

How does it work?
Your journey starts with an initial Ayurvedic consults days before your panchakarma. Pancha Karma Cleansing Programs are a gentle and nurturing way to eliminate deep-seated toxins, which like sludge in the system, drain bodily strength and cause stiffness, pain, poor sleep, poor digestion and physical and mental weakness. For rejuvenation as well as detoxification, Pancha Karma treatments once, twice or four times a year help us to re-balance with the seasons and stay vital as we age. Included are daily warm oil bodywork by two practitioners at once, cleansing treatments such as Baste, Shirodhara, Sweden (herbal steam) and Virechana.  Nasya, a rejuvenating facial massage followed by Ayurvedic herbal nose drops, opens the nasal passages, increases the intake of oxygen and PRANA or beneficial vitality/ electricity in the air for mental clarity and a feeling of lightness and energy.

For deep relaxation, insomnia, or compulsive thought processes, stress reduction and a meditative bliss, Shirodhara is a treatment consisting of a stream of warm herbal oil falling on the forehead (third eye area), stimulating and nourishing the pineal gland and other brain centers.

For removal of toxins, Abhyanga (warm oil massaged rhythmically in to your body is performed.  The invigorating patterning generates AGNI or metabolic fires which soften, loosen, dislodge and draw out toxins from deep within the tissues.

The toxins, which create physical, mental and emotional holding patterns in the body, gradually shift and move out as the body realigns itself. Dead spots of little or no sensation or of knotted muscles or chronic pain gradually melt as energy moves through them. Then penetrating herbal steam is applied, which causes the oil to penetrate more deeply and aids in drawing out the toxins.

Toxins: Root Cause of Disease
Digestion and elimination, which is essential to health, often weaken with age, toxic environment, poor diet or lifestyle habits. Even with the best diet, a weak digestion and sluggish elimination may create toxins (AMA). These toxins can be experienced as a lessening of energy, vitality, and enthusiasm for life as resulting in chronic conditions.

Pancha Karma therapy addresses the root cause of imbalance instead of the symptoms themselves by eliminating the underlying toxins which, lodged in the tissues, result in physical symptoms.

What can I expect from Pancha Karma?
The PanchaKarma cleanse takes from 9 to 15 days depending on how much time you can take off from your regular activities. The preparation for the cleanse starts 3 days before treatments with a specialized diet plan specifically geared to your individual needs. Treatments then begin for a period of 3 to 5 days during which you are likely to spend 2 to 3 hours at the Sanctuary for 4 body therapies each day. After each therapy, you are sent home to spend the rest of the day doing relaxing, non-stressful activities and resting as much as possible. Once the clease is over, the following 3 days are spent in slowly reintegrating regular foods in your diet with herbs to increase your digestive fire.

Who Will Benefit From Pancha Karma Therapy?
For rejuvenation, aches and pains, low energy, digestive or eliminative problems as well as other imbalances, a consultation will determine if Pancha Karma Therapy is appropriate.

Duration Of Cleanse
Based on your initial consult, a panchakarma from 3 to 10 days may be recommended. Most programs are for five consecutive days or more.

Talk Therapy & Nutrition
During the course of Panchakarma, simple and light breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided so there is no other distraction other than focusing on your inner self.  There is an expectation that you switch off from electronics or any other distractions and focus solely on yourself during the cleanse.  Therapy to help you resolve issues and conflicts is also offered during this time to help you re-focus.

If possible, it is recommended that you find a place of solitude during the time of your cleanse. Accommodation is not provided but we can recommend places where you may find peace and solitude.

Cost depends on the period of the cleanse, please call us to get an initial Ayurvedic Assessment to get an idea of the time frame for your Panchakarma.

Please Class us at 714-617-4593 if you would like to schedule a free 30 minute session with our Ayurvedic Doctor to see if Panchankarma is right for you.