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The Sanctuary Wellness Center & Yoga Studio  505 W 1st Street, Tustin. CA 92780
714.617.4593.  [email protected]
Deepen Your Practice, Develop Your Inner Teacher
Dive deep into yoga and reach your goals with a new yoga journey. Teacher training will help you prepare to change lives, starting with your own.

Through our Yoga Teacher training Program, we want to help you grow, transform and feel inspired to put your peace of mind and body first. Our classes and training programs are designed to teach you more than the art of yoga instruction, so that you can enjoy peace at work, at home, in traffic and on the mat. Yoga is much more than postures. It is a way to recenter and reconnect to the things that matter to YOU most.

Teacher training is designed to give you a solid foundation of yoga and mindfulness practices that will inspire you and your future students. We are told that we keep it simple, authentic and inspirational, while you develop skills that will elevate you and enhance your confidence while holding space for others.
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Pillars Of Our Program




Meditation, Mantras & Mudras

10 Yamas & Niyamas

Introduction to Yoga Sutras & Yoga Philosophy

Self enquiry through Vedantic concepts

Introduction to the Upanishads

Lineage & History

Core Set of over 80 poses




Sequencing & Leading Postures

Hands on Assists

Adjustments, Props & Adaptations


Lesson Planning

Professional Essentials

Yoga Business 101
Yoga Anatomy

Major Muscles in Asana

Spine and Joint Systems



Endocrine System

Respiratory System & Role Of Pranayama

Vagal Theory

Ayurveda and The Doshas

Dinacharya: Daily Routines

Ayurveda & Six Tastes

Chakra System

Vayus & Sub Doshas

Koshas & Klesas


Pranayama Asanas

Ayurveda off the mat and in your life

Seva & Karma Yoga To Deepen Your Practice

You can pay for the program in full or via payment plans

$500 of your initial deposit will be held as a non-refundable deposit

Some Content From Our Student Handbook