Happy New Year! Hope you had a great break over the holidays with your friends and family. Often in yoga, we move toward a pinnacle pose; the pose where all postures in vinyasa lead. We prepare our body and mind to reach this peak in class; it is 'the' goal whether it is achieved or not. As you start off 2017, consider reaching your pinnacle. Prepare your movements, your words and actions, so that you may reach or get as close to your peak as you can. It is never too late to make your resolution, your goal or your intention a reality.
At our yoga studio, we welcome two seasoned yoga instructors, Jim Gerrard who is teaching Level 2/3 Yoga on Thursdays at 6 and 7:30 pm and Eric Saam who is teaching Vinyasa Flow Yoga On Mondays & Wednesdays at 7:30pm. Do come by for class and meet these and the other great Yoga teachers at the Sanctuary. At our website, we started a blog to share some great articles on Yoga, Ayurveda and wellness in general - do check it out, add a comment and share with your friends and family!
We have an exciting line up of events and workshops on Yoga, Reiki and Hypnotherapy. And our day long 'Soul Fest' is back, this time with ever a greater line up of healers from our community. The event is free (nominal charge for some sessions) and will be hosted on Sunday January 21st from 11am to 5PM. Mark your calendars and we hope to see you at your Sanctuary!
Much love and happiness…
Ajita & The Staff At The Sanctuary
Saturday January 14th 2017 ~ 1:30 to 3:30PM
Sunday January 15th 2017 ~ 2 to 5PM
Saturday January 21st 2017 ~ 2:30PM
January 22nd 2017 ~ 11am to 5PM
Sunday January 14th & January 29th (Times posted at our website)
February 18th & 19th 2017
Coming up in February 2017 (date to be announced)
Sundays 2PM


Click here to meet the healers and presenters at this year's Soul Fest |


ABOUT THE SANCTUARY: The Sanctuary is a complete Holistic Wellness Center and Yoga studio. We offer offer 35 Yoga classes per week, Ayurveda, Reiki, Massages and a variety of wellness workshops.